Sunday, October 19, 2008

$0.50 Chicken Balls

So, for those of you who havent heard, I spent a HEFTY amount of money on a bucket of cream-filled, buffalo chicken balls at the Lock Room this weekend. Needless to say, I was ticked off! They were pretty fulfilling, though. But the real reason I was/am so steamed is because on the menu on the wall it simply stated: "Daily Special - $0.50 Chicken Balls." I'm not totally sure the menu called them "balls" but it was something along those lines....

So I tell the petite waitress I want some, she asks how many (in multiples of 6), I say 12. Now, since the shit was advertised as a "special," I assumed I would get the bucket for cheap. You know, like 6 balls for fifty cent! But no, I ended up paying a whopping $6, which could've been used for a number of tasty things, like a chocolate shake at the McDonald's, or a bottle of Mad Dog, or even a matinee ticket to see "Body of Lies."

Now, in order to receive the vengenance that I well deserve, I'm going to go to the Locker Room THIS upcoming Friday night and order a single chicken sphere for $0.50 just to show those M.F-ers how absurd their "special" is!!

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